I Hate Valentine's Day.

June 4, 2010

Genevieve Gernier.

who is that woman, you ask? she is my newly discovered a-alike when it comes to female movie characters. how she went about relationships is exactly the same way i go about my "love-life" lol

she said something during the course of the movie that i fell in love with: no expectations. no disappointment. no guilt. no hurt. just fun.. good sex.. and good company.

that speaks in such volumes, it's ridiculous.. or maybe it's because of who i've grown into within the past two years. i don't know? but i like it! lol honestly though, i was pretty close to practically throwing away everything i stood for when it came to the art of mush recently. jeter doesn't know it yet, but he's my future husband lmao jk but lord knows i hate showing the softer side of me when not needed or even acknowledging the fact that i like someone. it takes a chunk out of my ego, because you don't know how people are going to handle.. let alone interpret a piece of you.

i'm an unconventional young woman.. but my male peers aren't on my level of unorthodoxed-ness lmaoooo

but as much as i talk about me and how i handle guys? i'm always learning something new.. or erasing something i do away from my actions. it takes so little for me to say "fuck it", and move on. i don't even need closure at this point.. or probably EVER again.


enough about me, and i'm going to get to this interestingly interesting friday night..

*laughs evilly*