
October 23, 2008

this is something ced wrote for me.. the james estate, part deux:

listen closely, this is way that it's suppose to be,
longing for that sweet kiss while ya heart steady missin' me/
blissfully dreaming of my finger tips caressing your hips,
still trying to get it together as i come to grips/
with reality, it feels like this could be a fantasy,

but i halt in thought as i kick it to the late James Yancy/
still i feel her, even over the Dilla,
i'm still tryin' to find that ya familiar figure/
it's been a long time, and i'm wishin' you were here,
ever steady so ready to embrace ya happiness and drown ya fears/
more like the Sweetest Taboo, when you give me the kiss of life,

i put my heart in ya hands as you operate on 4 months of strife/
and it's like... ya know this was long over due,
but what is a man to do when he's steadily confused/

but now i can't seem to let go, so lets go,
lets take it back like, Teedra Moses, know this, fo sho/
you could be the light i see in the night,
pacing my heartbeat, the apple of my eyesight/
as i'm the pupil, i see what you see,
wishing that i could be with you and you be with me/
i could care less about the worries and the stress,
but just know even through it all, i'm tryin' my best/

and if i fail, that's a testament to my imperfections,
i just want to be ya everything, no frontin' or no guessin'/
so even through it all... i just wanna drop you this psalm,
to let you know i can remain calm with my heart in ya palms...

hee hee.. i feel so special..

-- now back to our regularly scheduled program.. i've been pacing myself with this current 2D project:


i'm still don't think i'm finished, though. there's several things i'd still like to do / experiment with. i have a grasp of how to manuever through PS now; i'm not as retarded like i was before lol more time in the Gamma Lab for me and i will be advanced.. chea.

in the meantime.. i will put my tired ass to bed, seeing how i have to wake up for the Founder's Day tomorrow and attend this speech in the K. R. Williams auditorium =|

what. a. DRAG.


October 21, 2008

i am ryann.

here me roar..
cry.. scream..

profanity keeps me sane.
i will not conform.

Arroz Con Pollo?

October 17, 2008

i've been brainstorming.. scratch that.. i've been having natural disasters of the mind.

as an artist, i have been told to "think outside the box" on NUMEROUS occasions. it has become utterly redundant. fact of the matter is, i had no idea there was a box to start with. how can you possibly know off hand what to think out of if there are supposed to be no limits to creativity?

i believe many other artistic people.. no matter what field.. should stop following that phrase. even though it may already be etched in stone, but it's never too late for change. speaking of change.. i need to find a better way of approaching projects. i find myself scouring around the internet for idea sparks or inspiration. i can't remember the last time i used a book to spark an idea. in such a technological age, using a book is the last thing on anyone's mind. however, i can say that my conceptual bug has been biting me quite nicely. it still takes me a while to make my executions look good, but it's been worth it.

in a recent mid-term assignment, my 2D professor had us recreate our own version of this Epson Printer ad in a magazine:

this is my interpretation:

i'm not PhotoShop savvy just yet, but i am getting there. i'm pretty proud of myself for not asking for much help, either. i got a good feel of it the first day we approached the assignment. i was a bit frustrated at first; it took me forever to find a decent brick wall photo. i'm pretty sure expert PSers can tear this photo apart by estimating what effects i used and probably about how many layers i used, too.

i hope to do some more work in PhotoShop SOON.. i NEED to hone my skills and take more advantage of the Gamma Lab on campus than what i already am..

Asthma Team.

October 16, 2008

woo.. sah..

this semester is going exactly the way i want it to. i've been managing my time much better.. procrastination is no longer an ally of mine; more along the lines of the enemy.

i checked my banner yesterday afternoon, and i was pleased to see my grades.. i really do sense a vehicular device in the future if i keep this up. yes.. making As and Bs is what you're suppose to do in college.. blah blah.. i got the memo NOW.. adjusting to the flow of things was a different task.

thanks to how my schedule was laid out, it was better to stay on top of things even with the days with no classes; i have a heavenly schedule if i do say so myself ^.^

-- in other news.. i spent my recent fall break [oct. 13th and 14th] with cedric. it's been a minute since we have seen each other, and almost on the verge of thinking that things were not really going to run smoothly anymore. we've had weeks of confusion, but we've finally figured shit out.

even though it's been 7.5 months.. i still think it's hard to believe we've been together for so long. i have truly broken barriers with that man.. and i love it.. i love him.


i am rzah. hear me roar.


i've decided to move my blogger doings. i have exactly 153 blog entries on MySpace.. accumulated over the course of about 3 years and some change, but so what? ^.^ i would disable comments on that blog, but eh.. i don't care too much for feedback anymore..

wait.. nah.. i never did care for feedback; people just felt they had the need to respond =P

in the meantime.. i'm pretty much done with the first entry of the night. it's 2 42am.. even though i have no classes tomorrow, i'm still pretty pooped from today.