Niggerish Establishments.

May 31, 2009

i really need to stop hyping shit up before it happens. it seems like every time i do? it comes down crashing.. hard.

for example.. my Mom had lined up a summer job for me in urban wear [this clothing store in the mini mall on Fort Bragg] as soon as i came back home for the summer. i started immediately the following week, but 2 days early before my initial work day carrying out a favor for Ms. Nisey. Monike, my manager, was showing me the ropes ahead of time.. blahzay blahzay. the next thing i know, Ernest [the guy who owns it] tells her that she can't hire anyone, because he can't afford it.


my face went ultra "meh" when i heard the news. it was my first job like.. EVER, and i was so excited. i had plans on what i wanted to do with the money i was going to be earning.. now my ass has to look for ANOTHER job.. which i highly doubt i'm going to get since i'm considered a "seasonal worker", and i will only be here for the summer.


that just sucks so much ass. now i'm super broke than what i initially started from. i really hope shit works out in my favor.. i'm tired of asking my Mom for money.


if i only had my license AND my own car.. i would not be worried about these shit ass situations.

1 comment-os:

Blackstar said...

Yo... You'll be aight. Everything will come in due time. I hope you get into something that will occupy your time and get some cash in your pockets... Hell Lord knows we all need it. But just keep ya head up like you usually do and laugh off the situation. Laughter is the best medicine right... that's something I learned from you.