I Still Love H.I.M.

April 29, 2009


this very culture helped spark my ongoing curiosity for music. the bad thing? there's too much of it! lol with that being said, it's no secret that i have been slowly trying to heighten my knowledge just a bit more.

i pride myself on what i know. i'm always aiming to learn something new. the only thing i'm having problems with are beef and battle rap. neither of those interest me, but for the sake of the culture? i have to make a sacrifice. i have to learn to appreciate every aspect of Hip-Hop in order to keep a firm grip. why? i want to continue to solidify it's placement within me. although i'm not actively involved in any of the four elements, i love it as much as the next emcee, graffiti artist, DJ, or break dancer.

with that being said, i'm going to continue to stay true to my new year's resolution. it happens to be the only one still going strong lol


April 27, 2009

my Sophomore year of college is coming to a close. i haven't been this excited since i started, haha. all of my classes will be finished tomorrow and then exams begin MONDAY! =]

spring classes have been swiftly kicking my ass though, and i hope my final grades don't broadcast that. i am frightened out of my mind.. especially in my World Civ. class. i loathe history in general; it's soooo boring. it takes the jaws of life to keep my attention in order to stay focused lol oh well.. i shall see what the verdict is when i'm done taking my exam. i will most likely get out of there with a C if i'm lucky.

i got my fingers crossed.

on a sidenote, i think it's glorious to see others suffer. what i mean by that is when karma kicks them in their ass. the feeling is like a rush.

oh boy.. this summer is going to be fucking bawesome now that i think about it. i have no idea who i might run into from high school and the days will be totally random. i live for random.

Memory Strike.

April 25, 2009

i was in my 3D class on Thursday working on my project.. the radio that's in the classroom was on and my classmates and i were listening to it indirectly while talking. the next thing i know, this Ghostface song i been looking for FOREVER came on. good thing Morgan was a fan AND knew the words/title of the song, because i was about to cry if i didn't find it lmao

Ghostface Killah - Cher Chez La Ghost:

A Risky Razzle.

April 21, 2009


an extremely valuable thing. how you spend it or what you do with it can either have a negative or positive effect on your life. it can prove your growth or it can bring to light your failures.. whichever you prefer. on the subject of growth, i had an interesting conversation with an ex of mine on sunday.. well, i did more listening than talking. long story short.. he apologized to me and thanked me for being there when he needed someone to talk to, regardless of how fucked up everything turned out for us [when we were together, of course]. i think it's great he took the time out himself to even reflect on the past situations; it takes a lot for a person to come forward to even admit that they were wrong..

that's exactly what he did.

my level of respect tremendously shot through the roof for him. of course, my friends laugh or make smart remarks because of what they only know him for what he's done before. it's natural for them to judge. however, i don't expect them to immediately trust him since i'm not.

he's in the first square now. alls he's gots to do is keep rolling for success. i'm sure he'll be fine with his slow ass lmao

Oh Shit, Son.

April 20, 2009

my Sophomore year in college is coming to a close. just 14 days left until the spring session is officially done with [excluding weekends]. i'm soooo ready for the summer, it's not funny. i will be in glorious Fayetteville for 4 months.. that instantly means 4 months of work, fun, and sun.

oh man.

words can't describe my excitement. i's ready, babyyyy!

i's. ready.

Mobile Postings.

April 17, 2009

YES! i set up my mobile posting. there will indeed be more direct news straight from my BlackBerryyyy =]


And the winner is..

April 10, 2009

i know i'm late, but the victory is that much sweeter. i already talk shit, but that national championship win means i can talk even more shit, bwahahaha..

i love my Tarheels.

anywho.. i'm finally home again for Easter Break; the miniscule 3-day weekend from university lol i'm going to have fuuuun ^.^

Tarheels. ♥

April 4, 2009

as we speak, i'm watching my boys play =]

as much as i want them to win a National Championship, i don't plan on talking to much shit. i have a tendency to jinx myself/them sometimes.. haha.

ahhhh.. College Basketball is the greatest thing on this earth.

in the meantime, i'm going to focus my full attention on them.
