
February 22, 2010

in case you're wondering about the title of this entry, 'eeks' and 'yikes' got together and had a baby named 'yeeks'. why am i saying yeeks? easy..

VALENTINE'S DAY WEEKEND. why valentine's day weekend? another easy one, especially since i spent majority of it with broderick one way or another. i didn't realize it until i was telling solis about it; i never got the chance to keep her updated lol long story short, i had xamounts of fun. i didn't expect a lot of things.. okay, wait, i'm about to lie.. i DID expect a lot of shit to happen, and it did.. AND to the point now where there is no going back. why there isn't any going back? clearly, he's already been exposed to the greatness that is my friends lol our outing at chili's makes everything a little easier now for me to either inform them i won't be with them when i'm with him or when i don't respond to phone calls/texts/BBMs.

then again.. our chili's outing wasn't even supposed to be a chili's outing, because we wanted sushi.. but that's okay though; we went for sushi the next day. i never seen anyone so excited about "perfecting" chopsticks, but it was cute.. so i can let it slide lol

awesome, right? correct.

there's only one aspect of our friendship that's got my mom completely on edge, but i think i'm going to keep those details out of the loop. it's hilarious to me, because i am 21. moth-- you know what, i'm not even going to get into that lmaoooo

in other news,

spring break is slowly creeping up on me, and i love it. just two more weeks of this school shit, and i'm OUT. OF. HERE. the girls and chris are excited, because i'm finally going to myrtle beach with them. it's their tradition, and i never had the chance to be apart of it. i am so stoked. a weekend of fun, alcohol, and shenanigans. solis and jhazmine don't drink, but chris and i probably won't even remember anything the way he's been talking hahaha

oh man..

welps.. i'm done for now. i need to get back to typing this paper of mine that's due thrusday. how exciting! [/sarcasm]

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