
November 27, 2008

i been trekking around the net as usual.. reading up on a bunch of music shit, and them ZOMG.. Drake was interviewed on AllHipHop.com..

i've. been. telling. niggas. FOREVER.
dude is silently killing the scene in America, but don't nobody want to admit it. also, i'm uber geeked about So Far Gone and Thank Me Later.. the LP and mixer? i think i need to prepare myself for such excitement. chea.

in the meantime.. i think i'm done for the night.. i'm ready for Turkey Day and the eating festivities. majority of my people done already dipped town on me, and some are working for holiday pay.. that's okay though.. i'm still going to attempt to get it in before the holiday is over..

gobble gobble, bitches.

Lay. D's.

November 22, 2008

i was humming this song in the kitchen this morning when i was cooking breakfast lol

Queen Latifah feat. Monie Love - Ladies First:

which brought on this TLC joint i grew up with, and LOVED!

TLC - Hat 2 Da Back:

which once again had these songs in my brain..

TLC - Das Da Way We Like 'Em:

TLC - What About Your Friends:


November 21, 2008

A Tribe Called Quest - Find A Way:

i'm playing this for Jhazmine, too lol

Aaliyah - One I Gave My Heart To:

Party's Over..

November 20, 2008

*turns music off*

*kicks everyone out*

*rips streamers off the walls*

*pop balloons*

*pours liquor down the drain*

*throws away food*

*cleans up*

*calls it a night*

the end of a party pretty much sums up what i'm experiencing right now. fuck. i had a feeling it was coming.. but not so soon; that's what caught me off guard.. Ced finally dropped the bomb.. and he said he couldn't do this anymore.. and that if he continued, his frustrations would build up..


i hate crying.

it makes me feel like a complete girl [/tomboyish ways]. i couldn't even tell my Mom, because she called right after i got off the phone with him. that is just one convo. i'm not ready to face right now, because she's been pestering me about asking him what he's doing for Thanksgiving.. and honestly, for the past few weeks.. it's slipped my mind on more than one occasion, but not on purpose. now? i can kiss my Thanksgiving break for a chance to spend time with him goodbye..

*poof* and there it went.. floating along in the air..

what boggles my mind.. everything on my end was fine.. i didn't think there was a problem. i was completely happy. on his end? not so much. i can understand a person is entitled for their own happiness.. but then it kind of made me feel bad, because i can't make my own man happy. the most important thing for him.. i had to have his "mind" in order to obtain his "heart".. and i didn't.. he loved me, but he wasn't in love with me. fuck. hearing that alone hurts like shit. i thought we meshed together quite well, but he didn't think we were on the same page.. he wanted to go places i never been to, because i was never interested. he wanted to converse about subjects i knew nothing on.. he wanted serious conversation, and he felt i couldn't give that to him because i'm not "serious"..

if this is God's way of making me take a different approach in my life? this has to be one of the largest practical jokes he's ever pulled on me. seriously.. God is fucking hilarious right now.. he's cracking up laughing at me. i can feel it. he's a clever man. could Ced have been my sign all along? to stop taking the Rofl Express? then before a blink of an eye.. snatches it all away..

i do know one thing.. i'm soooo not ready to be his "friend". i love the shit out of that man.

i don't know how to make it out.. but enough about this.. i've had more than i can handle for tonight..

Downtown Arts District Scavenger Hunt.

November 19, 2008

i was taken aback today when i walked into the CDI for class this afternoon.. the moment my classmates and i walked in, Mr. Betz said he was sending us to these two different art galleries downtown.. like, 3 - 4 blocks away from where we originally have class at.

we had to visit the Piedmont Craftsmen art gallery and the Artworks Gallery. he wanted us to choose two pieces, and compare/contrast them.. including the artist name, title of their work, and what media they used.

this is what i chose at the Piedmont Craftsmen:

Paige Cox
Anne Hesse
Garden Party
Mixed Media

this is what i chose at the Artworks Gallery:

#1 & #2:
Loretta Eby & Jeff Jackson
Lightning [right] & Floating Ring [left]
Glass & Steel
the only thing that really caught my attention was how much every piece cost in both galleries. prices ranged from $45 - $2 000. there were some things that seemed extremely simple, but were very expensive. it was re-donk-cu-lous. however, this assignment has given me a better in depth view of how things look and operate downtown, and that the arts district is not too far from my house lolBold

Doubts? I Rock The Document!

November 17, 2008

as a female spectator of hip-hop, is it a given thing for niggas to try and question what i know? why is it hard for others to believe i do happen to know what i do, OR what i have listened to? whether it's in person.. online.. whatever, it has to be one of thee most annoying things ever. sheesh.. let me continue doing some digging up before any type of bashing lol i know i'm not an elite just yet.. but i'm getting there.. i'm moving at a steady pace.. lol

in more recent news.. i've finally found this song i've been looking for, for like.. ever! it's been on my mind so much in recent years, that i've even had dreams about this shit every now and then.. that's how serious it was lol it feels like a large amount of weight has been released from my shoulders lol

so.. from me to you, i present:

High & Mighty feat. Mos Def / Mad Skillz - B-Boy Document 99:

8.5 Month/Birthday: Update.

November 15, 2008

oh boy.

it's amazzzzing how time flies. i know i've said this numerous times, but shit.. ced and i are making history despite our differences lol before you know it, a year will come and bite us both on the ass!

*knocks on wood*

anywho.. i've already started the official countdown for my birthday, and the things to come. i want to re-vamp my appearance.. by doing so, i want to chop all of my hair off.. and color it. i want it something like Eva Pigford's hair, from cycle 3 of America's Next Top Model:

now.. all i have to do is not kill Mommy for this idea. she might die of a heart-attack, but i think she's coming around lol slowly, but surely.. this is only step 1.. i think she's going to have a field day with my wardrobe.


November 11, 2008

Me: i'm about to get my run-on.. hold the commas..

Eric: they call me Big E aka no ice in my soda aka i buy single socks aka don't get wet in the rain aka mr. georgia to florida aka triple axle and i don't mean ice skatin'

Me: you have way toooo many AKAs, and i don't mean soror. chicks..

Eric: i have too many AKAs and i do mean soror. chicks..

Me: you better watch them AKAs then if you bangin' soror. chicks, ya shit might turn apple green, and I'm not talkin' how mean ya stroke is

Eric: huh? wait.. wha? O.O

Me: hm? what's shocking?

Eric: the fact that you actually confounded me.. YOU actually said something that went over someone's head.. it's usually the other way around lawl

classic-ness.. in my opinion, of course.

Mac Mini / iMac.

November 8, 2008

i was prancing around the internet as usual, and found myself glancing in lust at the apple.com website.. checking out the latest, of course. i already have it set in stone that i will get a Mac in the future, but now i'm stuck on which one.. Mac Mini OR iMac?

Mac Mini:
it's not the typical "bulky" desktop. all i would need is a monitor, keypad, and mouse. it also has 1GB memory, 80GB hard drive, and costs $599. the $799 one has 120GB hard drive.

iMac:this is also a desktop.. much more expensive, but cheaper than a Macbook Pro =( the one i was looking at has 2GB memory, 320GB hard drive, and costs $1499. this is only the 2nd version of the 4.. and of course the prices vary from the size of hard drive.


i was on MSN a few minutes ago, and came across my lovescope. whoever writes them shits has a hidden camera set up in my apartment lol this really hit shit on the nose.. with a mallet:

"You are in the midst of having some powerful insights about your current relationship. This may bring you to the realization that it has far more potential then you first thought. Now is the time to focus on all that is good and positive about it, so that you begin to build the kind of future that you both crave so much."


November 7, 2008

so the holidays are quickly sneaking up on us.. *cough* my 20th birthday *cough*.. i think it's time i should gather up a nice wishlist..:

- the complete calvin and hobbes [this is #1!]
- XBOX 360 OR Nintendo DSi
- money for clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.

not much to ask for, right? lol these also might coincide with my birthday.. which is a week later.

i can't wait.


November 2, 2008

8 months.

today marks 8 months since i've been with Ced. as our relationship progresses, i love him even more.

for one.. putting up with me.. he and i are two completely different people, and have very different views / approaches to everything. it amazes me how he's not the type of person who decides to drop everything if we do happen to disagree on things. i love him for being a thinker.. being artistic.. the ability he has to express himself with no holds bar.. regardless of anything i say, he knows his place; he knows how to not really blow things out of proportion.. i can say i've learned alot from him, even if it hasn't stuck as it should lol i listen to him when he talks, and he does the same for me.. he is truly my other half for right now.. i can't say anything about the future, since i don't like looking that far.. well, only when it's in regards to my profession and what i plan to do after college..


oh boy.
not a day goes by when i think about that man, and what he's proven to me. he's shattered every bad perception i've had about things.. from love to how you're suppose to treat your other half..

i love him.