2nd Chances.

December 17, 2008

ever since i've gotten back with Ced, the ones closest to me were a bit confused. they didn't understand to an extent why i decided to be with him again. from my point of view, everyone deserves a 2nd chance.. HOWEVER, it really depends on the circumstances of the initial "break-up" to ever reconsider dating that person again.

sure.. i really disliked Ced for his decision. i didn't want to talk to him.. i didn't even pick up the phone to call him. the break-up was all left field; i wasn't expecting it. there were all kinds of emotions. my friends would ask me what happened, and then would go on to say that his decision was indeed a stupid one. i'm proud, and glad to say that he has indeed wholeheartedly apologized for his actions, and for being a bit selfish [and he was lol].. him being considerate of my feelings made me remember why i fell in love with him in the first place..

which brings me to my initial topic..

i had a very interesting conversation with my ex the other night [through texting]. we were just talking and whatnot; i was hanging out at Solis' apartment. i told him i had gotten back with Ced, and that i believed in giving 2nd chances.. then he goes on to say that "i guess people deserve 2nd chances, not in my case thought right?". i went on to tell him that it depended on the circumstances.. and in his case? the night we forcefully broke-up didn't deserve another chance lol because of the way things between us ended, i never really had any "closure", because neither one of us didn't like bringing up what happened. in a way, i'm kind of glad we had that convo.. it was a way of closure for me. even though i've already moved on, it pretty much sealed the deal.

in the meantime.. i think i made a very wise decision with Ced. i hope shit brings us to the year we have been working for! i love him with every fabric of my being [/cliche']

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