What A Chilling Chronicle, Comrade.

March 17, 2010

i'm going to take this moment to seriously laugh at myself..

*proceeds to die of laughter*

apparently i took my previous bloggature completely out of context.. including the information i got. however, it wasn't initially my fault.. so it's okay lmao

as i'm getting to the point of things, that genius felt the need to give me what he calls a "long range heads up"; who the fuck does that nonsense? lol =|

i'm not even going to be here next year to even care whether or not he gets married.. and if i am? what the fuck does that still have to do with me? lmao oh my shit bucket.. men are fucking retarded sometimes. i just know only one thing now.. i'm going to keep my distance without really keeping my distance. the more i talk to a dude who already knows i'm feeling them? the moooore i like them.. and that's one pickle i'm not trying to place myself in.

i'm not trying to be sappy when he deploys and shit.. FUCK. THAT. y'all have no idea how much of a lauce that would be on my end.

that shit is no bueno.

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