Skydiving Monkeys.

January 30, 2009

i'm sitting here listening to Asher Roth..

patiently waiting on my Mom to come scoop me up from Winston-Salem.. i've already knocked out a little homework and whatnot; some Art History. i'm about to touch my World Civ. shit in a minute.. i wish my professor would haul ass and send off the terms already so i can get down on those sentences! lol =p

oh man.. i can't wait until i get back to Fayetteville.. all-nighters with the girls are the best.. but i'm not just going home this weekend to kick it with them.. i can't wait to see Brad! =]

boy oh boy. that guy? he rockssss superbly. like.. i don't know what it is about him that makes me just cheese my ass off everytime someone mentions his name, but i am so loving the feeling. although, things are going moderately quick.. i think it's time for me to get a firm grip on the movement of shit. i don't want shit to go too fast, and then we really can't enjoy each other. we are both doing our own thing with our lives.. hell, i'm surprised he's doing this much now to even spend time with me/get to know me with his fastpaced lifestyle [from what it seems like lol].

all in all.. he's great to me right now.
nah. i'm not looking into the "future" with this one; i take whatever is handed to me and i treat with the best care in the worlllldddd!


January 27, 2009

i finally got my tattoo this past friday. i've never been so excited about anything else. i find myself zoning out during lectures, and just staring at my wrist lol [kidding]. the cool thing about today, Brad got his the same night i did.. and on the same hand..

at first i was like: =|

but then i lol'd: =D

the thing that surprised me the most about getting it, i didn't feel too much pain. i think my excitement pretty much cancelled it out. i was grinning and cheesing the entire time when the artist was inking me up.

i'm already planning on getting another one, haha.

to top everything off, Jhaz and Solis came and scooped me up from school that afternoon. i have the coolest friends; love those girls!

p.s. Brad and i are official! =] ♥

now, let's see where this all goes..

How Many.. ?

January 21, 2009


i can't wait until i get a car. this is ridiculous. i'm 20 years old, and car-less! when will the massive forces stop booing at my life!? lol

in other news.. today was quite the adventure. i finally made it to my 4D class downtown. i had to get my schedule in working order before i can definitely attend classes. getting down there was easy, but coming back? what an adventure. myself and two classmates rode around on the wrong bus for about an hour.. right back to the bus station. my genius ass didn't even ask anyone who worked there which bus headed back to wssu like i initially had in my mind lol

i spent $3 on riding those damn buses. i'm never following anyone again if they have no idea where they are going lol

never again.

Happy Birthday, Aaliyah!

January 16, 2009

this woman would have been 30 years old today. i've been on her harder than usual for today.. of course lol in the meantime.. i'm going back to my program.. and then probably cake on the phone..


ciao. ♥

2 Weeks Later.

January 15, 2009

it is amazing what happens when you tell someone you like them. i was not expecting shit to unfold like it has.. or maybe i did?


[to bring you up to speed]

this dude Brad.. his nick. is Knowledge.
he's an emcee.
i went to high school with him.
he lives in Charlotte now.

apparently, he's had a crush on me since high school.
he told me himself he always had an "eye" on me, but he and i were dating other people.. so he never pursued lol =p i got to see him once during my holiday break when i was "single" for that short period. he swung by Solis' apartment [at the time] to see me.. talk about sparks.

i can't explain it.

of course my silly ass didn't say anything to him then..

now i have.
things are pretty dope, if you ask me.

p.s. [1.16.09]

why does this always happen to me?
every single time a relationship of mine has ran it's course with someone.. it feels like the next person i dated was waiting in an "invisible" line, or some shit lol

for example.. Lamar.. then i broke-up with him.. month later, i began dating Tremaine.. when things started going downhill with him, we forcefully broke-up.. i began dating Cedric.. 10 months go by; we grow apart.. Brad comes into the picture..

GAH! playing catch-up is cool since i didn't really date much in high school.. but Jesus!



January 13, 2009


friday is drawing near.
just another reminder of Aaliyah's birthday.
she would have been 30 years old.

i miss that chick, man.

if you know me.. you know this day is pretty much celebratory in a sense. i miss her presence in the game. thank goodness they are doing a biopic this year. i can't wait for that! they chose Keisha Chante' to play her.

the excitement is killing me. Jhazmine and i will most definitely fandango those tickets.

Sprinnnng Classes.

January 12, 2009

oh man.
it felt hella good to be back on WSSU soil.

i got all of my shit straight, too. i registered for 16 hours this semester, even though it's a total
of about 5 classes, plus a lab for one.

i have:
3D Design
4D Design
Art History II
World Civ.
Physical Science + Lab

i have reasonable class times, and absolutely NO 8 o'clock classes.
waking up at 7am is pretty much heaven compared to last semester when i only had classes 3 times a week.

oh well.
there's a time for change, and a chance for takeover..

i plan on taking over. =]

Well. Um. Yeah.

January 11, 2009

Ced and i broke things off for good yesterday evening. it was pretty much a mutual agreement. i didn't talk to him for a few days, because i was really putting thought into my decision. breaking the news to him felt that much easier, and kind of lifted a weight of guilt off of my shoulders.

we're both at a point in our lives where we are just not "clicking" like we used to. we barely talked about anything. if i was interrupted while i was on the phone with him, i'd tell him i'd call him back.. and then forget to. i know this sounds bad, but ever since the last break-up in november.. i just completely lost interest. my feelings were so nonchalant, it wasn't even funny. i tried to make myself believe that everything was going to be the same again, but they weren't. i was becoming bored.. a whole month flew by.

then all of a sudden..

a tumbleweed of coolness comes my way the beginning of this week..

i'm crossing my fingers with this one.. and pretty much taking shit extremely slow.

Scary Shit.

January 9, 2009

i don't know why my silly ass keeps wandering toward those fuckin' msn horoscopes. i swear.. it keeps getting more personal every single time, for example:

"Talking is one way that you could finally get the attention of someone who has haunted you with their charm and style for a long while now. The planets are creating the opportunity for you to finally get within chatting distance, and once you do start to converse, you will both be amazed at how you managed to stay out of each other's lives for so long."


20th Highlights.

January 6, 2009

yours truly.. and sporting the sombrero i had my Mom buy at City Party.

my Dallas!

my Lis!

my Jhazzy!

more silliness on Facebook. i have over 132 photos from this year's holiday break collectively. wow!

i had such a blast.

20th Birthday!

January 3, 2009


i is so happyyyy.
i'm finally 20!


okay. i is going to sleep now.

ciao. ♥